Indigo lights

Camera: Canon EOS 30D - Lens: EF 17-40 f4 L USM

Focal lenght : 17 mm - Aperture : 10 - Shutter : 1/200 s.
HDR Generated photo with Photomatix pro - Mac OSX.


EOS 30D - EF 17-40, f4 L USM

In my previous posts, there is a road with name 'Memories' that goes to that tea garden i mentioned it. In the middle of that road there is a tomb also.
this tomb has a beautiful view and area and it has been built on a hill.
i've used f 18 to make star effect for sun.
i've made this photo by HDR method. Software : Photomatix pro - mac osx.

: Anathema- Fragile dreams